Digital Product & UI Designer | UX & Product Management Pro | Nature Fanatic | Avid Runner | Avid Reader (150+ books/y) | Visual Crafting: Graphics, Fonts, Symbols, Colors, & Photography

As a Medium Author:

Genuine Articles & Direct Thought-Provoking Views | Focused on Software Best Practices & Innovations

Skills & Interests:

- Biz Dev, Product Strategy, AI and Eye-Catching UI Graphics

- Curious App Tester, Benchmarker & Tech Reviewer

- Learning Prompt Engineering and Article Writing Skills

- Storytelling through Photography & Communication

- Persistent Memory for Injustices & Defamation (Proceed with Caution!)

Academics: Master's Degree in Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition (AI Algorithms, Digital Signal Processing) | Master's Thesis: Advanced Speech Recognition Algorithm Implementation on DSP Processor

Connect with Vesa Palomäki
Vesa Palomäki

Vesa Palomäki

AI Expert, Digital Designer, Innovative Manager, Master of UI/UX, Bookworm & Bibliophile, Photograph, AI Enthusiast,Productivity Apps Guru, Graphic Designer